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Grips for tension on type B samples following the ASTM D1623

ASTM D1623 fixture type B
  • ASTM D1623
  • Type B specimen
  • 2in x 2in square blocks
Series code:: FTD1623
File: 3D

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This test method establishes standard procedure for determining the tensile and tensile adhesion properties of rigid cellular plastics in the form of test specimens of standard shape under defined conditions of temperature, humidity, and testing machine speed. This test method requires the use of the following apparatuses: a constant-rate-of-crosshead-movement type testing machine; self-aligning type grips for holding test specimens; an extension indicator; and a lathe specimen cutter.

Preparation of type B specimens: Bond the grip assembly blocks to the test specimens by suitable method, whiohc does not affect the material under test, taking care to assure that the bonding pressure is not great enough to cuase compression of the specimen.

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