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High capacity wire terminal carousel - 600 lb

High capacity wire terminal carousel - 600 lb
  • Terminal carrousel
  • High capacity
Series code:: WTC0331

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Tests the integrity of wire/terminal connections. The rotating self aligning wheel has 12 equally spaced slots from .031 inch to .312 inch. Ring terminals can be tested on a pin located in line with the .312 slot. stands up to a crimping force of 600 lb.

It can be used with all types of crimp terminals (spade lugs, lugs round spades, spades flags) but also for crimp pins or crimp sleeves fitted to the beams and electrical harnesses. The carrousels are generally associated with a self-closing wedge clamp or an eccentric clamp to maintain the cable without damaging it. Slots dimensions are designed in accordance with major manufacturing standarts or norms for automotive insdustry and aeronotic industry.
Quantity: 1
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